Our Mission

Our mission is to help those fighting internal wars by connecting them, their families, and their friends, to resources and by providing emergency grants when possible. We will accomplish this through strategic partnerships with like-minded organizations, soliciting donations, and organizing volunteers who are driven to make a difference.

Our Vision

We aim to inspire and instill a renewed sense of hope and purpose within the hearts and minds of people suffering from chronic and acute mental health issues and supporting their families and friends through those pivotal times.

About Us

Learn how one family’s loss led to the formation of something great

Our Pillars

We focus on four core pillars to accomplish our mission


We promote camaraderie and fellowship through community events aimed at helping those at risk and at building a community of support.


We provide support to those struggling with their internal wars, as well as their friends and families, and provide emergency grants and care packages to those in need.

Join the team

As an all-volunteer nonprofit organization, we rely on the generosity of our volunteers to accomplish our mission.

Check Out Our Blog

A Very Productive Q2

Hey warriors! We hope everyone has been well!  We’ve been staying busy, down here in Savannah! There have been a ton of weekend events that we have attended and/or set a booth up, such as The Scottish Games and The Mental Health Symposium!  We knocked out another fundraiser- our first ever Tox party! Thanks to…

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2024 So Far!

Hello, warriors! It has been a whirlwind of the start to 2024, and we are so thankful for each and every single one of your support! This last weekend was our 3rd Annual Race to Fight the War Within 5k/10k, and it was a BLAST! From the Best Ranger Panties Contest, to the GREAT raffles, to…

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Upcoming Events – 2024

Long time, no write! Here at Fight the War Within Foundation, we have been BUSY since January! With so much going on in our local Savannah-area community, we decided to focus on scheduling as many 2024 events as early on as possible. We can finally share what we have been working on with you! Please…

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